Friday, January 6, 2012

This article lists down several exercises that both men and women can incorporate in their daily activities; an added bonus is that they can do these workouts at home.
Even if you don’t have exercise equipment, you can still do these workouts.

Squats & Pushups

You can easily perform bodyweight squats and pushups at home. These two exercises are ideally done back to back. For starters, you can aim to do up to 12 repetitions per set. Then, if you can do the routine using a dumbbell  that is an even better workout. Just make sure that there is at least a 1-minute rest between sets. Maybe start with 3 sets and then add more sets as days go on. Women can perform kneeling pushups if they can’t do the regular pushups.

Stationary Lunge

Anyone can do a split squat exercise (also known as stationary lunge) at home. You will be required to split your feet apart by simply taking a step forward. If you are a beginner, you can utilize the wall for balance. Dumbbells can also be incorporated in this routine, provided that you are already at the advanced level. You can do at least 8 repetitions on each side.

Stair Climb

In lieu of step-climber equipment that is often used in fitness centers, if your house has stairs, you can utilize the first step for this step-up exercise. You can simply imitate climbing the stairs, only this time it is done on the first step only. In the absence of a staircase, this workout routine can also be done with the use of a small bench, probably a foot high. Do sets of 8 counts; don’t forget to breath as with all the other exercises.

Mountain Climber

Another easy weight loss exercise that you can do at home is the mountain climber routine. You will have to get into a pushup position, only this time the abs are braced as if something might hit you in the stomach. Start with the right foot and lift it off the ground then bring the right knee up to the chest, then touch the foot down. Then slowly return to the start position. Work on the left side. Perform at least 10 repetitions on each side.
You can top off this simple workout session with some jumping jacks in position.


Remember to do some simple stretching exercises before and after the workout sessions. Stretching exercises are done before any workout to prepare the muscles and the body for the workout exercises. Just the same, you should perform stretching exercises after each session to have the muscles and the body settle after an intense workout.
There are quite a lot of exercises that you can perform at home. Running or walking around the neighborhood will do a lot of good as well

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